31 October 2008


So for those of you who may not know... Swiss is PCS-ing in a few days. Just Swiss. His unit is slated to deploy in mere months (assuming his assignment goes as planned) so it doesn't make much sense for me to sell the house, up and move South too, no family, no job, no Swiss. So I am sticking it out here in the Midwest until he and his unit comes home from the Sand.

I hate this.

I feel a bit like things finally got figured out. We made it official, we lived together like a normal couple, we settled in. We made a home together. And now he is leaving. Hrrmph.

Now before I start pouting too much, my employer BigHospital is all over FMLA. They are giving me up to 3 months (assuming his unit is still stateside in 3 months) of leave to go be with him down South. Words cannot describe how incredible that is. Of course even that has it's issues (read: mortgage payments without employment!) but it will all be worth it.

Anyway, that is the update. That is where we stand... Welcome to the Army!

30 October 2008

Army Wife I am.

Hello Internets!!!

I am back... the honeymoon was lovely and I am officially an Army Wife now. The PCS is looming (read 5 days away) and our time together is getting short. This I do not like. I am prone to bouts of tears when I think about not being able to curl up next to him at night, etc, etc. But I am trying to focus on the positive (the wedding was great... things with us are wonderful) and not dwell on the twee details the Army's plans for him.

Right now, our biggest problem is 8th grade algebra. Yes, 8th grade. I suck at math. Swiss Jr. brought home 20+ algebra problems and our attempts to help just gave us shocking proof how quickly this stuff leaves you when you don't need it for a test next week!

Anyway, I hope all is well with you all and I'm glad to be back! Take care and any algebra-related tips would be greatly appreciated! :)

15 October 2008

It begins.

Okay- the madness that is our wedding officially begins today with the arrival of my dearest Mom and her best friend (my second Mom) Carolyn. HOORAY! So I am signing off for a few weeks. We are off to wine country for the honeymoon and I will get back to blogging when we return... likely after Swiss' PCS move in early November. Boo hiss.

I'm off to become Mrs. Swiss and I couldn't be happier! Fingers crossed for good weather and thanks for all your well wishes! Take care internets! :)


13 October 2008

My Guardian.

Here she is. She is the Delphic Sybil. Her home is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. She spoke to me (not literally) when I was 22... on a trip to Europe with my wonderful mother.

I saw the fierceness, the strength in her gaze. I saw her fearlessness. And all these years later (okay, not that many, like 8) she has become my guardian. When I see her, I see someone watching over me, watching over Swiss. Someone who may or may not know the future, but someone who would be willing to step up to any challenge that comes our way.

She also said some pretty wise things. Aside from foreseeing the fall of Troy, the rise of kings, the outcomes of wars, she said this:

"make your own nature, not the advice of others, your guide in life."

She was a pretty smart lady.

07 October 2008

New family.

New families are a trip.

Swiss' family is great. But man are they different. Waaaaay different than my family. They are bigger (number, not size!). They aren't really "talkers", I am from a loooooong line of talkers. I am an only child. Swiss is the youngest of six(!!!!!). The list goes on... So getting to know their quirks has been a bit of an up and down roller-coaster... Even more so now with a reasonably major family drama that has sprouted up. But sometimes different can be good. You can learn a lot from different, no? However, there are times when different is just difficult.
I can't decide where we are at now... difficult or different. It will suffice to say that differences really come out when the stakes get high. And they are pretty high right now.
I trust that everything will work out okay and that at the end of the day, as long as Swiss and I end up husband and wife... the day will be a success... Right?
Gawd I hope so!
Have a great weekend internets! :)

02 October 2008

A fortnight.

Dude. (yes, I did just say "Dude")

We get married in 2 weeks. That is bananas (maybe even Bananas Foster! Yum!). Everyone is asking me if I am nervous. Lord no! I am not nervous! I am marrying the man of my dreams. Come on people! Oh, and pending deployments tend to put things into perspective, no? Now THAT is something to be nervous about!

Anyway, it is good to have the dress greens in the closet, and the ruck sacks have now made their way into storage downstairs. It feels like home again and that is good. Things are blissfully uneventful around here (save random family drama that we are trying to dodge) and it is grand.

Now for a random thought to ponder: What is your favorite highly-processed food? Mine is Velveeta. Yes, Velveeta by a mile.

Have a stellar weekend Internets! :)

01 October 2008

Swiss has landed.

Swiss is home... with all his gear. Lawdy that guy has a lot of stuff (I however should not talk... I have TOO much stuff!) and it is all sitting squarely in the middle of the living room. I love it! (However it should be noted that the TV and Cable can't be turned on with all of the ruck sacks in the way. That HAS to change before Project Runway comes on tonight! I mean it!!!)

Anyway, posting will likely be light during the next month. I want to soak up all the extra time I can with Swiss... but I promise to check in and let y'all know what is going on. P.S. - The wedding is in almost 2 weeks! Hollah!

Okay, have a great rest of the week Internets... see you soon!