05 October 2010

We have a home!

Yesterday I accepted a job at a lab in South Dakota. (!?!) I won't lie, it isn't a place I ever thought we would end up, but the town we'll be in is nice, the scenery is beautiful and I'm lucky enough to have family who lives out there. So yeah, either way it'll be an adventure!

We are currently in the process of clearing and getting the house ready to vacate. Which, currently, means I am speckled in white Army Issue housing white paint. It's gonna be a hectic few weeks and I'll update then... and then you'll have to help me figure out what the future of this blog will be... because in a few short weeks I won't be an Active Duty spouse anymore. Crazy!


Anonymous said...

Well, for a good 6 months you could compare your new civilian life to your old active duty life! And I will definitely still follow your journey.

Post Tenebras Lux said...

Yay!!! That's huge. I'm glad!

silver star said...

I was hoping that was the news, congrats! I'll keep reading your blog, if you'll keep writing.