23 November 2009


This part where I miss my husband so much it hurts and can't stand the thought of another day where my life isn't my own again... the part where I don't have a home, don't have freedom, don't have my (or our) normal... the part where I live by someone else's rules, where I feel like a teenager in my parents home, where I just want my life back... I hate it.

I want this to be over. I want to feel normal again. I want my life back. I want Swiss back.

Sorry for the lack of posting lately- I'm in a funk and rather than bore you all to death with my funkified drivel, I've been keeping quiet. Hope you are all doing well and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.


Anonymous said...

For whatever it's worth, I'm feeling the same way. I threw quite a pity party for myself today, actually, and once I got over feeling guilty for feeling down, it actually was pretty cathartic. It helps to know others are going through the same thing, too. I suppose it's probably obvious, but the holidays are always harder to be away from him. My favorite was being asked three times (yes, three times) today if he was going to be able to come home for Christmas! What do these people think, the war is put on hold for the holiday season! Give me a break!!!

Yuck, times are tough. hang in there, you are most definitely not alone!

liberal army wife said...

Ah yes.. "why can't he come home for Xmas??" I dunno, because he's in a WAR ZONE??? but then, these people wondered if I was going out to join him, after all, The Sand is all safe and stuff....


Anonymous said...

I am living with my parents, too, for the duration of this deployment and I am in the same frame of mind right now. I want my - no, OUR life back. Gotta keep pushing though, I suppose. Best of luck!

Sunny said...

you are not alone and I am so sorry you are feeling this way. somehow it will pass, but it will take forever!!! xoxoxo

HellcatBetty said...

I'm with ya, lady. HUGS

Meghan said...

I got that one over the weekend too. Friend: When's he coming home next? Me: Oh, probably in about 9 months Friend: What? he can't come home for Christmas!


Sorry, Tucker, that just plain sucks. Holidays are hard! the only thing keeping me going is imagining next year when we are back together enjoying this time of year again