Phew! Hooray for me! Hooray for Swiss! Hooray for this whole thing finally getting started... and for being one week closer to it all being done!
It has been one helluva week, that is for certain. Between sending Swiss off, packing up the house, driving cross country and moving back in... all the while missing Swiss more than I have ever missed anyone or anything ever. So much it hurts.
But, I am lucky because a) I have someone I care that much about, b) I've been able to talk to him 4 or 5 times already, c) he is someplace safe and his job is keeping him as far away from harm as I could ever dare hope, and d) I have great friends and family to help get me through this. Oy vey. I'm so very glad this first week is over!
And in other news, we got ourselves a puppy! Swiss and I looked into adopting a dog before he left and we found a sweet dog that looked perfect for us... we just had to hope he would still be available when we (I) got back home. Well, we made the trek up to the Big City and sure enough, he was still there and now he is asleep on the living room floor. Swiss is going to love him!
Meet Fletcher:

Fletcher!!! NOM NOM NOM
What a cutie :-)
What a honey!
Pets are great company. It's just a bonus that he's so adorable.
OMG Fletcher! Those ears...must rub those ears!
You've been through so much this week - you deserve a cute pooch.
aw - he's so cute. but WHAT is he? xbreed? some Swiss Mountain dog in there?
And here I thought I'd get you to come out here and get Barney the Party Cat out of our shelter.
Having another heartbeat in the house (as a friend said to me) is a great comfort. Something warm, that needs you and will cuddle up. It helps.
He is ADORABLE! As the other ladies have said, pooches are awesome company during the deployments!! :) As you know, I have three. ha! I'm also agreeing with lopsided ... I want to touch those ears!!!
Congrats on the new addition :)
That puppy is adorable and he will get you through this deployment. I wouldn't have gotten through prior deployments without my dogs. They provide a unique companionship and they keep you distracted from all the heavy thoughts sometimes.
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